Wednesday, May 6, 2020

National Security And Homeland Security - 1788 Words

Intelligence deals with the process in which specific types of information has been collected, analyzed, refined and provided to the policy makers, so that it will be useful to them in decisions making about potential threats to national security and homeland security (Lowenthal, 2014, p. 10). U.S Government has been benefiting from Intelligence information since the beginning of the country, despite the fact that many people thought that U.S intelligence emanated as a result of cold war (Federation of American Scientists, 1996). For instance, the Office of Naval Intelligence was created in March 1882 followed by the formation of the Military Intelligence Division three years later, charged to collect foreign and domestic military data (Federation of American Scientists, 1996). Other intelligence units in the early republic include the first U.S. Army signals intelligence (MI-8) formed in 1917; the Justice Department s Bureau of Investigation created in 1908. However, U. S Intelligence witnessed tremendous transformation due to events that happens as results of intelligence failures. Chiefly among them was the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The aftermath of this lead to the creation of the National Intelligence Authority, a Central Intelligence Group in 1946; and subsequently enacted into law the National Security Act of 1947 that served as the organizational basis for the US conduct of the Cold War. The 1947 act also established the CentralShow MoreRelatedThe National Department Of Homeland Security1386 Words   |  6 Pagesimportantly; decide which natural disasters/emergencies to focus a majority of their resources on. Unfortunately for FEMA all of that was lost with the creation of The Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 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Generally, the most important roles of the Department of Homeland Security are to lead a concerted national effortRead MoreHomeland Security And Homeland Defense1390 Words   |  6 Pages Many people think homeland security and homeland defense are the same thing, but that is incorrect. Both have played a role in keeping America safe, but after 9/11 that role expanded greatly. The U.S. was determined to prevent another catastrophic attack from unfolding while searching the globe for those responsible. In a world constantly evolving, our enemies and their tactics evolve with it. To effectively combat the incredible amount of threats America faces, many federal entities and missionRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1602 Words   |  7 PagesDepartment of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security is an agency made up of 22 different federal agencies which were combined in an effort to streamline the United States effectiveness in defending our nation. 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This report reflects the important steps that can be taken to improve the intelligenceRead MoreRoles Of Law Enforcement And Intelligence1503 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States we have many different intelligence agencies, most of which existed during September 11. One of the most well known intelligence agencies is The Central Intelligence Agency, their mission is to â€Å"Preempt threats and further US national security objectives by collecting intelligence that matters, producing objective all-source analysis, conducting effective covert action as directed by the President, and safeguarding the secrets that keep our Nation safe† (Central Intelligence Agency)

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