Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Ethics for Barksdale Beekeeping- myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Ethics for Barksdale Beekeeping andHoneymaking. Answer: Introduction Barksdale Beekeeping and Honeymaking(BKH) being one of the most leading commercial beekeepers, and also a leader in the pollination services and honey farming, the company should continue to produce all the facets of honey but pursue a solution for the CCD and heart research instead. The company should find out the solutions to minimize the production of the chemical LRR-2 during its creation process. Since BKH has already started employing more health scientists and researchers to tackle the issue, the company will be safe for all the workers and those around it. BKH will in-turn maintains itself as being a leading international organization in bee husbandry and pollination services. Moral standards Utilitarianism Utilitarianism helps us think and promote the general welfare of people or organizations. It also proposes different standards beyond self-interests and to judge the appropriateness of various actions taken. Utilitarianism helps us to produce maximum utility and considering the stakeholders such as employers, owners, and customers (Karakowsky, Len, Archie and Ann, 2005, p.40). BKH has been the most significant contributor to the worldwide pollination management protection, management, and restoration. BKH also donated a lot to the agricultural projects and promoted the general welfare of citizens. BKH has also spurred the thought behind the sustainability in the production of honey. Utilitarianism also directs individuals to maximize happiness and fulfilling the consumer needs too. BKH has asked the governments to allow them to invest further in the country, and also build the facilities to be used in packaging and the processing actions and also share portions of the honey to the pr oduce of their farmers. BKH creation of the UNs program for nutrition purposes has helped a lot of countries. BKH, as a result, has appeared in the Canadian lists to be the most of the charitable organizations with the donations towards the communities which are marginalized throughout Canada. BKH has also provided a heavily subsidized, discounted, and use of the colonies and the resources to the subsistence and local farmers throughout Canada. Since what consumers want is friendship, love, and health for their happiness, BKH has struggled to promote the same. Egoism Egoism advocate for individual self-interests as being the guiding principle. An act is considered to be morally right if it promotes the long-term interests. BKH has resisted the calls from the scientists, geneticists, and the external apiculturists to involve them in the research to the genetically modified honeybees. BKH argues they have their experts in the field such as engineers, husbandry experts and scientists adding more oversight they do not need unnecessary bureaucracy which may slow down their process of research. The consequentialist principle explains about the wrongness and the rightness of carrying out an action which can be determined solely by consequences (p.70). When the results, actions or decisions are good, the decision is deemed right. If consequences are bad, it is considered to be wrong. The right choices are those that improve utility. For instance, the industry insiders have argued that BKH is trying to hide their involvement in the CCD. However, BKH has d isputed the claims, and they have said they are acting in the best interests of the company. BKH has also not acknowledged production of LRR-2; the board is in discussions to shift production of LRR-2 to the regions of developing a world that will ensure BKH invest in infrastructure, and also create jobs in the competitive marketplaces, it is most likely o shift the production to the countries where BKH made the charitable donations. Kantianism The rightness and the wrongness of actions do not depend upon the consequences but if they fulfill specific duties. From the principle of universality, the decisions of actions are based on the treatment of others and what you expect from others. Some of the researchers and the nutritionists who work for BKH in the study of the health impacts of the increased consumption of honey have acknowledged BKH is working on the evidenced research which is a significant step in finding out the data relating to the CCD disease prevention methods. Also, the Kantianism moral principle also advocates in which way you treat humanity whether in your personal or others. People are not to be used for individual gains but respect for the dignity and moral worth as equal to their own. The Canadian government has since been aware of the move and judged them according to the rightness of the action. The government has found out the importance of the BKH Company to the economy of Canada regarding the research and honey production, the employment created by the company and the reliance which the Canadian farmers have on the pollination services of the company. The government has also given BKH full support and resources to ensure research goes on in the company. The Federal government has also reflected the interests that BKH has made in the creation of regulations of pesticide use, and exempted chemical compounds that are found in the LRR-2. Principle of caring The principle holds on the theories of utilitarianism and rights and also focuses on individual self and the process of cognitive thought. It is also based on viewing someone or organization to be relational and not being individualistic. Organizations which uses this principle focuses on putting the interests of their employees or customers the priority than the product they are producing. In this case, it has been evident that the BKH Company has made little efforts in caring for their employees. The beekeeper who administers the LRR-2 has been seen to develop new forms of cancer at lower rates. BKH, even after hiring the leading environmental scientists in the field, the environmental advisory board has not identified yet that the AS-D is a chemical compound which leads to cancer. This would be long before the chemical is identified as the primary concern to be regulated. BKH in trying to stop the effects of AS-D, it has already employed health scientists and researchers to tackle the problem and has been committed to providing a healthy workplace. Principle of justice This principle involves the fair treatment of every individual in any organization. They are categorized into distributive, compensatory and procedural. From the case study, the government officials together with the pollination management researchers, beekeepers, industry insiders along with the NGOs have expressed the most profound concerns that are as a result of the refusal of BKH to comply with the expectations of the transparency they have in their research to find the causes of CCD. The conduct of the company has since stalled progress towards the methods of mitigation to fight CCD and have expressed concern that the company is unwilling to share their progress and information from the international community and work together to face the worldwide issue. There have also been some concerns about the LRR-2 and its connections to Argsepherin-D, a chemical that is released during the LRR-2 creation process. The researchers have signed confidentiality waivers which prohibits them from reporting the finding they get to the third parties. The recent findings are the new type of cancer which has begun appearing among the plant workers who carry out the processes of producing LRR-2. Compensating the workers who have suffered as a result of the experiments would be appropriate. Virtue ethics This type of approach is designed in guiding our decisions and actions. Virtue ethics focuses on the making of individual choices, and it is centered in the heart of the individual himself or herself. Virtue ethics does not ask what should be done but instead focuses on the question of what sort of a person one is supposed to become and what ethical choices reflect their behavior. In this case, BKH makes individual decisions and does not acknowledge publically on the choices they have made including their employers and beekeepers about the progress they have made in isolation on what causes CCD and the role of the company in its operations. BKH also do not release the data which reflects their huge yearly worldwide decrease of the bee colonies. Instead, BKH continues transporting more colonies worldwide to make up for bee reductions worldwide. The release of this information to the public and other people may lead to much more scrutiny in the industry and thus the need to keep it for themselves without the involvement of any other parties in carrying out of their operations. BKH has instead continued producing more of the superior queen bees and the escalating number of colonies selling them worldwide while trying to find the solution for CCD. Milton Friedman view According to Milton Friedman, the safety standards for the products are not necessary for the market would correct itself. This is in contrary to my view on this issue for the consumption of the honey made by BKH would be in violation of the ethical principles. The products which are produced by the company are unsafe from the point of production to the point of consumption. The beekeeper that administers LRR-2 has been developing a new form of rare cancer. Additionally, the sugars that make honey have been strongly linked to heart disease and the shift towards a much longer-term solution is becoming a problem making the company continue producing the product. Milton Friedman also argues that globalization involves the producers being in a hypercompetitive world of business and attracts customers while trying to produce high-quality products at the same price. Government regulation is not also necessary since it is in the self-interests of the producer to provide safer and best produ cts at a given cost. With his arguments, it is clear that he goes against the general ethical principle of utilitarianism in putting the interests of the workers and the consumers the priority in the business. Conclusion From the case study, it is evident that the BKH Company due to its negligence did not follow most of the ethical principles that should govern any company. The chemical which is released in the process of LRR-2 creation is harmful to the employees. The company also subjects its consumers to risks associated with a heart attack due to the sugars that are found in the companys product. Protecting the consumers and the employees should be accompanied by moral considerations by all means. Employees should be assured of their safety of the working conditions and the protection from specific harms in the process of production of the company's products. The workplace rights should be followed and adhered to in all the steps undertaken by any company. Maintaining the control and also resisting oversight of AS-D will ensure the company maintains its reputation in the industry while making important strides in improving the workplace health. Reference Karakowsky, Len, Archie B. Carroll, and Ann K. Buchholtz, (2005), Business and Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 1st Canadian Edition, Toronto, Ontario: Thomson Nelson.

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