Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay Freedom, Patriarchy, and Racial Oppression - 976 Words

Freedom, Patriarchy, and Racial Oppression The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sarte is known to have established existentialism in France after the liberation of Paris in 1944. Existentialism is the philosophy that states that the values people choose influences the choices they make and how they interpret the meanings of their decisions. When existentialism was introduced in the United States, it challenged Americans to access their ethical standards from a different perspective. America is associated with being The land of the free. However, the American society has set standards on womens roles and racial castes and until these oppressions are eliminated the entire society will never have freedom. What is freedom?†¦show more content†¦Women can uphold the same positions as men; but they are paid less, harassed more, and receive fewer opportunities. In the media, women are more exploited than men and it is often portrayed that women are inferior to men. Women and men are treated differently in society, and women have frequently been unable to participate fully in all social areas. However as society has become more technologically advanced, women have shown that they posses the same amount of capability and intelligence as men. Feminism works to change the unjust theories in society by replacing old ideals with a new perspective that women are not inferior to men but are equal. I believe that if society applied an existentialist view into their live s there would be no need for feminism because everyone would agree with what feminism stands for, and patriarchy and male privilege would cease. People would begin to choose values that would incorporate each sex equally because they would begin to think about how the meanings of their decisions affects everyone in society. If people could begin thinking of how their decisions affect others, it could broaden their view that America is not The land of the free if minority races are still being oppressed in this country. Society stereotypes different races in the media, politics, education, and every other aspect of life. Society places certain races on a pedestal with stereotypesShow MoreRelatedConflict Between Cultural And Historical Norms893 Words   |  4 Pagessome extent freedom from ideological societies that subjugate them. Deniz Kandiyoti,’s ‘bargaining with patriarchy’ offers a complex but seemingly pertinent argument in regards to the dichotomy between society and gender specific roles. Regarding their practices as fluid and negotiable, where societies are the product of imposition that struggle between cultural and historical norms. Within these systems of negotiation, Kandiyoti’s juxtaposes agricultural labor and â€Å"classic patriarchy.† Within Sub-SaharanRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Aint I A Woman 1079 Words   |  5 Pagesexperiences in the oppressive American system, she believed that those women’s stories could not be generalized for all African American women. It was necessary to have a book at this time that acknowledged not black women and the two types of oppressions they experienced that formed their present status in America. Bell was encouraged by her peers to write this well needed book. She was especially motivated by the views that others had toward black women at the time: â€Å"I can remember a dinner whereRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Alice Walker s The Color Purple1489 Words   |  6 Pagesdescribe black woman Celie and her suffering life. The book has fully expressed the idea of feminism and the ideological changes of black women trammeled by unequal idea. 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Her immediate family life and experiences growing up in Kentucky shaped her life perspective from which she writes. She encountered and survived racial segregation and was deeply immersed in the black community culture by means of that experience and her spirituality. It couldRead MoreThe Inequality Of Rural Women1723 Words   |  7 Pages. Peru had one of the largest indigenous populations within the Andean region, however the indigenous populations did not benefit from independence, it solely benefited the elite Creole class. (rosengreen). Colonial powers failed to recognize the racial and class implications that lead to Indigenous women being entirely excluded from the male-centered ideals of Enlightenment, making an invisible barrier restricting political and economical privileges and independence. Prior to the deceiving colonialRead Mo reBlack Women And The Black Men1345 Words   |  6 Pagesbut their struggles are a tale of two fights. 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However, this claim of modernism is a way of attacking the non-western tradition of veiling; many of the same beliefs for the usage of the veil are commonly reflected in American society. IRead MoreCritically Examine How Black Feminism Emerged And Assess1229 Words   |  5 PagesAin’t I a Woman? â€Å" this speech is important for the contemporary black feminism because it When the Black feminist movement emerged in the U.S in the 1960s, it addressed the impacts of the hetero-normative, capitalist, sexist, white supremacist patriarchy. It unpacks social conditioning, understanding the black woman hood. It helped black women embrace their womanhood and race and it become a coping mechanism for black women who were oppressed by the feminist movement and black liberation movement

Saturday, December 21, 2019

An Online Site For Sugar Daddy And Sugar Baby Relationships

If you are not interested in joining an online dating site for sugar daddy and sugar baby relationships, but you still want to find a mutually beneficial relationship, then craigslist is a cheap and easy option for you. How To Make The Most Out Of Your Craigslist Ad First, you want to select your preferred location, then personals, and then casual encounters, which means that you are looking for a no strings attached relationship. By selecting the appropriate category, you will decrease your chances of getting reported and having your ad get taken down. Furthermore, you will be asked questions such as who you are, who you are looking for, where you are looking for someone. The more you fill in, the more sincere and non-spammy your ad will look. Because you are writing a personal ad for a sugar daddy or sugar baby, you need to be as open so that readers know you are not a poster who is weird or sketchy. We know that many people already feel like craigslist is a sketchy place to post an ad, so you need to put in some details that show how sincere you are about finding a mutually beneficial relationship. For instance, on craigslist, you can put in your body shape, height, and status to help people get a clearer picture of what you look like. You can also choose to put in more attributes about yourself that are regular questions you would put on an online dating profile, such as hair color, dislikes, education, and more. Furthermore, you can describe more details aboutShow MoreRelatedEthnographic Research On Sugar Daddy / Baby Dynamics1047 Words   |  5 PagesEthnographic Research on Sugar Daddy/Baby Dynamics In this modern technological era, almost everything in our lives is specified and available at our fingertips. This can be done on our computers, on our smartphones, and even our cars now. Technological advances allow us to navigate the world, use new devices, and even widen our dating pool by meeting new people in easier ways, such as online. This interesting twist on online dating has peaked my interest on how it works and why. However, with allRead MoreSafety Of Using Seeking Arrangement980 Words   |  4 Pagesthat arrangement websites connecting sugar babies to sugar daddies and mamas are vague, allowing for potential harm towards its users. As claimed on, â€Å"everything is on your own terms: (). The site connects users together but does not take responsibility for any consequential action beyond signing up. Users are free to negotiate the prices and activites on their own terms. However, since there are more female sugar babies than male sugar daddie s, the latter party tends to wieldRead MoreProstitution : The Modern American Sex Industry1913 Words   |  8 PagesNext, in order to elucidate the principles that lead to societal contempt for prostitution, Section II outlines four different arrangements through which sex may be exchanged for money: street prostitution, escort services, sugar dating, and financially asymmetric relationships. Based on the observation that these four types of sexual commerce are stigmatized very differently in our society, Section III attempts to unpack the relevant distinctions between each of these four arrangements. Then, usingRead MoreAccounting 1-4 Chapter100452 Words   |  402 Pagesneeds to get started, it can begin its operations. Tootsie Roll is in the business of selling all things that taste, look, or smell like candy. 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On an average, mentors are said to spend 15-20 hours a month on upcoming entrepreneurs. 52 Founded in 2002, NEN is a not-for-profit initiative of the Wadhwani Foundation, working to ‘inspire, educate and support theRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 Pages HR professionals have faced greater pressures to recruit and train workers. LOGGING ON . . . Workforce Composition Data on workforce composition and trends from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics are available at this site. sahome.html WORKFORCE QUALITY DEFICIT Many occupational groups and industries will require more educated workers in the coming years. The number of jobs requiring advanced knowledge is expected to grow at a much more rapidRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagestheir heartfelt commitment to academia would be tested.†2 The Beginning In the mid-1990s, the Internet was just emerging. Millions of people were logging on and communicating through email. But researchers grew frustrated with the clutter of Web sites. Searching it for relevant information often resulted in an abundance of completely meaningless data. Search engines began to organize the Internet, and thus Yahoo and AltaVista among others were born. But they still left a lot to be 1 2 Examples

Friday, December 13, 2019

Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard Free Essays

Malayan Financial Reporting Standards 132 WTK Company Harmonizing to MFRS 132, the statements of fiscal place of WTK Company divide into fiscal plus, fiscal liability, and fiscal equity. In the statements of fiscal place of WTK Company besides divide into group and company. WTK Company’s fiscal assets have non-currents assets and current assets. We will write a custom essay sample on Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard or any similar topic only for you Order Now In non-current assets, there are decently, works and equipment, prepaid land rental payments, investing belongingss, and others. For the group, in 1.1.2011, the sum of non-current assets is RM 1020829000 which increased to RM 1099123000 in twelvemonth terminal of 2011. In twelvemonth terminal of 2012, the non-current assets increased once more to RM 141151000. This show that WTK Company’s non-current assets grow from 2011 to 2012. Whereas in company portion, the sum of non-current assets in 1.1.2011 is RM 433458000 and travel up to RM 434816000 in twelvemonth terminal of 2011. In 2012, the non-current assets increase once more to RM 438215000. The current assets are stock lists, trade and other receivables, other current assets and others. The current assets of WTK Company, in group portion, in 1.1.2011, the sum is RM 558683000 so add up to RM 588906000. In 2012, the sum of current assets is RM 551048000. In the company portion, the current assets in 1.1.2011 are RM 45304000 grows up to RM 59270000. In 2012, the current assets sum is increase to RM 63501000. Hence, the group portion of entire sum of assets is RM 1692199000 whereas in the company portion of entire sum of assets is RM 501716000. WTK Company has fiscal liability and fiscal equity. In fiscal liability, there are non-current liabilities and current liabilities. In group portion, the sum of current liabilities in 1.1.2011 is RM 313731000 which increased to RM 310156000 in twelvemonth terminal 2011. In 2012, the sum of current liabilities additions once more to RM 242404000. In company portion, the sum of current liabilities in 1.1.2011 is RM 51892000 and lessening to RM 45407000 in twelvemonth terminal 2011. In 2012, the sum of current liabilities drops once more to RM 45070000. The sum of net current asserts/liabilities in group portion in 2012 are RM 30644000 whereas in company portion 2012, the sum of net current asserts/liabilities are RM 18431000. The non-current liabilities in group portion 1.1.2011 are RM 214236000 and increase to RM 1189560000. In 2012, the sum encouragement once more to RM 1220240000. In company portion, the non-current liabilities in 1.1.2011 are RM 4265832000 and hike up to RM 4486410 00. In 2012, the non-current liabilities are RM 456608000. After add with non-controlling involvement, RM 15319000, the entire equity is RM 1235559000 in 2012 group portion. In group portion 2012, the entire equity and liabilities are RM 1693199000 whereas in company portion 2012, the entire equity and liabilities are RM 501716000. The chief rule of MFRS 132 is a fiscal instrument that is non an plus should be confidential as either a fiscal liability or an equity instrument harmonizing to the substance of the contract, but non its official signifier. The determination to make should be at the clip instrument is chiefly known. Fiscal plus and fiscal liability should be do up for and the net sum reported when, and merely when, an entity has a officially enforceable right to countervail the sums and intends either to unclutter up on a net footing, or to acknowledge the plus and settle the liability at the same time. Equity instrument is contract that evidences a residuary involvement in the assets of an entity after subtracting all its liabilities. The statement of alterations in equity will uncover all constituents of equity demoing in item the gap balance, addition and diminution and the shutting balance. Equity comprises portion capital and militias. Additions and lessenings to retained net income non disclosed in the other comprehensive income. Statements of alterations in equity of WTK Company besides divide into group and company. In twelvemonth terminal of 2012, the group of statements of alterations in equity, the entire equity is RM 1235559000 whereas in twelvemonth terminal of 2011 is RM 1204973000. In twelvemonth terminal of 2012, entire equity attributable to the proprietors of the company is RM 1220240000 whereas in twelvemonth terminal of 2011, entire equity attributable to the proprietors of the company is RM 1189560000. The portions capital, portions premium, and exchequer portions are RM 219007000, RM 45708000, and negative RM 7570000 severally in twelvemonth terminal of 2011. In twelvemonth terminal of 2012, the portions capital and portions premium are the same as in 2011. The exchequer portions are negative RM 8062000. The maintained net incomes in 2011 are RM 931358000 whereas in 2012, the maintained net incomes are RM 962176000. In 2011, entire other militias, foreign currency interlingual rendition modest y, just value accommodation modesty, and non-controlling involvements are RM1057000, RM 685000, RM372000, and RM 15413000 severally. Entire other militias, foreign currency interlingual rendition modesty, just value accommodation, and non-controlling involvements are RM 1411000, RM 1299000, RM 112000, and RM 15319000 severally in 2012. In company portion, the entire equity in 2011 is RM 448641000 whereas the entire equity is RM 456608000 in 2012. The portions capital, portions premium, and exchequer portions in 2011 are RM 209007000, RM 45708000, and negative RM 7570000. In 2012, the portions capital and portions premium are the same as in 2011. The exchequer portions are negative RM8062000. The maintained net incomes in 2011 are RM 190579000 whereas in 2012 are RM 199445000. Entire other militias, capital modesty, and just value accommodation are RM 917000, RM 400000, and RM 517000 severally in 2011. In 2012, entire other militias, capital modesty, and just value accommodation modesty are RM 510000, RM 400000, and RM 110000 severally. Additions such as reappraisal excess and adjust in just value of fiscal assets available for sale are recognized in other comprehensive income and disclosed discretely as militias. Revaluation excess on depreciable non-current plus is known in other comprehensive income and accredited to the reappraisal modesty. The depreciation charge wining to the just value accommodation of the plus will be higher, and an sum equal to the extra depreciation is to be transferred from the reappraisal modesty to retained net incomes. If the plus were to be sold before it was to the full depreciated, the staying balance on the reappraisal for that punctilious plus is besides transferred to retained net incomes. Interest, dividends, additions and losingss associating to an instrument classified as liability should be reported in the income statement. This means that dividends payments on preferable portions classified as liabilities are treated as disbursals. On the other custodies, distributions such as dividends to owner of a fiscal instrument classified as equity should be charge straight aligned with equity. The outgo of an entity’s ain equity instrument that is has required cherished portions is deducted from equity. Derive or loss is non recognized on the purchase, sale, issue or revocation of exchequer portions. How to cite Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard, Essay examples